If you choose to remain anonymous that can be arranged as
well though we always encourage people to come forward as themselves in a
network of like-minded people that hope to solve the mystery once and for all.
After my first (and only) incident I kept it secret from all but my family members who
also happened to be involved in it. In spite of plaster casts and photographic
evidence I chose not to come forward for fear of ridicule from others and the
ones that I trusted did not believe me. They blamed everything on science. I list the
actual places and exact locations whenever possible and encourage others to do
their own investigations hopefully with the information that you find here. I also
give the proper recognition to any articles and investigation other than my
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
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About me
Johnny take a dive with your sister in the rain, let her talk about things you can’t explain.”
U2 – Mysterious ways
Growing up in the 1970's was a time of excitement in the movie industry.
The modern day horror drama was just kicking off with a plethora of monsters and things that went bump in the night. Hammer horror studios in London was in full swing beginning to kick off their spectacular and frightening series of modern day horror films that ran from the mid 1930’s until the 1970’s with such sinister looking characters as Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee and occasionally Vincent Price.
I distinctly remember being riveted in front of the television set on Friday nights after school watching old movies with Lon Chaney playing the werewolf, and Boris Karloff playing the modern day Prometheus known as Frankenstein. These characters frightened and intrigued me, setting me on a journey into the center of my mind, wondering if these things could really happen. Wondering if these creatures were somehow out there roaming the back hills of Transylvania and the moors of England. My logical side even as a kid said no to this. But nevertheless I was intrigued enough to set out on a journey to the dark side of reality. I found ways to feed my addiction at the local comic book stores and amassed an impressive collection of over 600 comic books, many of them first runs. Fast forward to the 1970’s and 1973, the year of perhaps the greatest UFO flap in recorded history. I am a researcher in the Southwest and have talked to hundreds of people including first nation regarding the existence and witnessing of this amazing mystery. I have 2 decades worth of testimonial encounters under my belt and will post them as time permits.
The Nevada Triangle
Most of us have heard of the Bermuda Triangle , where planes and ships have mysteriously gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean for decades. D...
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