The Ultraterrestrials

If there were a car crash ten blocks away, a window washer up there on the tenth floor could probably see it. Now, that doesn't mean he's God, or even smarter than we are. But from where he's sitting, he can see a little further down the road. -John Keel the Mothman prophesies on paranormal entities.


I was deep in the woods in north Eastern AZ and I walked off about 20 min in what I thought was a straight line. Unbeknownst to me, about ten minutes after I left, my little brother came in after me to tell me the food was done. I had gotten to a point in the woods that was completely silent other than cracking twigs and other noises in the brush that I attributed to the deer in the area. At that point I realized I had no idea where I was. Around that same time, my brother thought he saw me up ahead of him and began to jog in that direction. What he thought was me began sprinting, my brother, thinking it was me messing around started the pursuit. Within seconds he realized there was no possible way I could have been moving that fast through the woods and after about 100 yards, he stopped the chase and headed back to the rest of our group. Somehow I ended up finding the road and even though I was only walking for a little over 20 minutes, I was over 2 miles down the road. I was able to make it back before it was completely dark but I always felt strange about the whole situation. Then to top it off, late that night we ran into an employee of the campground walking around with a shotgun. My brother and I approached and asked him why he had the gun and if it was for bears. His reply was "...hehe yeah, bears.." and said nothing else. We had also found a squirrel with it's head bitten off.. idk if that has any relation. 

Joshua Returns

A friend of mine is Navajo, born in Pinon AZ. They never even slow down for anyone down there. She said even if you think you know the person it might not be a person. She said there are lots of those encounters. Crazy stuff.

Chazz Lanza

My uncle told me he was walking on a old horse trail on the Rez in AZ at night and all of a sudden ended up in day and went back to night and some other things I've seen myself and how a huge ship went across Navajo nation back in the day only few people seen it


I live in Az. There is so much Witchcraft up there and so many portals opened it's sickening.

 Theresa Reynolds

When we go to California, we never travel through New Mexico or Arizona at night, to me it’s safer that way, we live in Missouri. I’ve never known anyone that has seen anything during the day, unless they see something changing running up a hill or mountain. The hills in Sedona are said to have mystical powers. There are many sacred places in both New Mexico and Arizona

 Joe Morf LUCERO 3RD

 My family has lived on a hill in Yuma said to be a burial ground it's called Hollywood hill because I guess when the filmed old westerns and Lawrence of Arabia there the big movie stars trailers were up on that hill so they wouldn't be swept away from the rain water or when the Colorado would flood but I and many of my family have experienced supernatural things some benevolent and others evil as they come my grandmother's friend placed protection on us once things got too real first time.i heard of holy water was when our housed was blessed in 93 too much terrible shit has happened to me and my blood siblings for me to say that there wasn't something that oozed bad negative shit just fucking evil from the spirit of the little boy we would see down the dark hallway peeking out at you when you drew the short stick and was lucky enough to get the couch next to the kitchen that leads to an 80 yard backyard I shit you not with a 100 ft mesquite tree with a 5ft wide maybe 7ft wide tree trunk I have never seen a mesquite tree grow so big it definitely was a landmark back in the day how old would that tree have to be to be that big


I know a family that refuses to talk about the creature on their roof staring at their young child. She only told me after we had a few drinks. Her stepdad just passed away and he refused to talk about it. Her sister thinks it was a nightmare. But big sis knows it really happened. There are creatures among us that aren’t human. Damn it sounds crazy to say out loud.

Wen McBrain Vansandt

I'm from the Hopi reservation northeastern Arizona USA Shungopavi village and a friend of mine seen that same creature across from us at his village. A very huge dog like creature that was spotted near their only community building. Some Hopi witchcraft people are also known to change themselves into animals and other creatures. The only way to truly know if they are witches is if their eyes don't glow like a normal dog, wolf, fox, or coyote. MAY THE GREAT SPIRIT BE WITH YOU ALL ALWAYS


My wife and I have been all over the Navajo Reservation, where allowed by the Navajo, and we did not drive these roads at night. We were well armed at that time. Portions are very isolated and most of the Navajo to not mix with Anglos. Some areas are very strange. Do not roam an night. This is true and not a joke.

(Wishes to remain anonymous)

 Below the superstition mountains I have heard of and seen reptoid beings in the area five miles east of Phoenix Arizona the Superstition Mountains have been an area of encounters and is said to have both an alien base and laboratories under it the military also have an underground base there and interact on experiments with the aliens about years ago I encountered an individual that spent time exploring some of the old mines in the area he had vanished for months before I ran into him again I asked him where he had been all this time here is his story he spotted a mine entrance on the west side of the main mountainside he said that the mine looked to be in good shape so he started walking in the shaft he had gone about a half mile and when he saw a sign that said no entrance beyond this point the mine shaft was still in good shape so he went in a  yards he told me that people seemed to come out of the walls of the shaft men in black uniforms questioned him and then took him to a holding area in Mesa Arizona for hours they questioned him again and found out that his home was in Colorado they gave him a plane ticket to Denver Colorado and told him never to come back to the Phoenix area he asked me not to tell anyone that I had seen him he wanted to pick up personal items that got left behind I have never seen him after that there are other stories of treasure hunters going into old mine shafts and finding holographic walls in the shaft they did not try to enter the area behind the wall as they feared that they may not be able to get back out they told me that they took a round rock and rolled it through the screen and heard it roll for some distance one of them reached through the screen with a flashlight in his hand he turned the flashlight back toward the screen but could not see any light he said that he withdrew his arm as he had the feeling that something was back there and he didn't want it to grab his arm and dragged him in I asked the men to take me up there and show me the mine they all said no way they were going back in there we got a topo map out and they showed me the area that they had encountered the wall I did go into the area to search but was never able to find the mine this is not strange as other people have found opening and marked the entrance with a pyramid of large rocks and left to get lights and more people and equipment when they got back the rocks are still there as they had stacked them the entrance is gone there have been sighting of Reptoids about nine feet tall in that area as soon as they sense that they are being watched they vanish people have also seen lizard beings about the size of a man with bat-like wings and a tail they fly out to opening in the cliffs at Twilight and also vanishes since that they are being watched the Native Americans have seen these things for hundreds of years and have legends about them they say that they are shapeshifters and can make you see them in any form they want I found this out on a personal encounter with a reptoid I encountered on a trail as I was walking up an inner trail in the mountains I looked up and saw a man coming towards me on the trail he had appeared out of thin air as I walked toward him I noticed his eyes they were reptoid vertical slits when he sensed that I knew what he was he hit me with a psychic blow that I can only describe as being hit in the head with a sledgehammer that stunned me and almost drove me to my knees as I shook this off I looked up and he was gone I had a headache for two days after that and think that he could have killed me if he wanted to this is just some of the strange thing that have been seen up there we have seen different types of alien craft that appeared to enter the main mountain orbs and UFO orbs that have been seen in different area for hundreds of years that disappear at different old mines wells and some just enter the face of the mountains I would love to get in touch with a well-equipped investigative group and have them check out some of the strong magnetic fields that may act as dimensional portals where some of these creatures come and go one day our government may tell us the truth on their involvement with alien encounters and tech that has been traded for their abduction of us.


The Nevada Triangle

  Most of us have heard of the Bermuda Triangle , where planes and ships have mysteriously gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean for decades. D...