The Ultraterrestrials

If there were a car crash ten blocks away, a window washer up there on the tenth floor could probably see it. Now, that doesn't mean he's God, or even smarter than we are. But from where he's sitting, he can see a little further down the road. -John Keel the Mothman prophesies on paranormal entities.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Here’s a stumper for any Mars experts

Here’s a stumper for any Mars experts. While processing my Mars images from last night, I found a strange feature over Acidalia (top right of the animation below). I made this 5-frame animation of the green-light images. The feature appears in all the channels, but is most visible in blue and green and least visible in IR. Also, it moves with the planet (ruling out dust motes on the sensor) and seems to rise over the limb. Fog rolled in after this, so there is no additional data later than this. If anyone caught Mars after 2:15UT last night, please check your images… particularly after 2:51UT.


The Nevada Triangle

  Most of us have heard of the Bermuda Triangle , where planes and ships have mysteriously gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean for decades. D...