Spoke with my hairdresser today Marianna Burke from the Fort McDowell Indian reservation. While she was cutting my hair I casually mentioned Bigfoot without leading questioning as I always do. The old friend of a friend told me this story. I hit paydirt.
When she was 12 years old sitting in the backyard with her dog all of the dogs in the neighborhood began to go crazy. Her own dog took off down the hill to her grandmothers house at that same moment which it never does.
At that exact moment she glanced out across the field from her yard and saw a 10 ft bipedal hair covered creature step out from behind a tree and dash across the open field. What impressed her was the extreme speed of this thing. She also mentioned that her grandmother had seen 3 of them in the field adjacent to her yard. She believes that they come down out of the mountains when there is a shortage of food. She also had prayers said and a blessing done because she was scared so badly by the sight of these entities.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
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» Fort McDowell update - The strange case of Marianna Burke
Fort McDowell update - The strange case of Marianna Burke
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