The Ultraterrestrials

If there were a car crash ten blocks away, a window washer up there on the tenth floor could probably see it. Now, that doesn't mean he's God, or even smarter than we are. But from where he's sitting, he can see a little further down the road. -John Keel the Mothman prophesies on paranormal entities.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Strange “Horse-Like” Creature Spotted in Prescott, Arizona

Location: “LOCATION”

Date: “DATE”

“Prescott is surrounded by national forest on two or three sides. The area near Thumb Butte is a very dreamlike atmosphere. My 2011 sighting was confirmed by a family in 2018. I was at Thumb Butte Road in Prescott at the city limits sign on my bike.

Suddenly, 2-3 houses in front of me (100 feet or less) was a 4-legged creature that was as big as a horse. It had four long legs like a horse. It immediately tensed up its whole body, ready to fight if necessary. Its face was round. Brown/beige fur. The fur formed a shaggy beard, almost mountain man-like. It was long at the chin and cheeks. I was on bicycle.

I hopped off and slowly walked backwards. Then I found another route to town. It was 3pm in 2011. Most people on that road aren’t home at that hour. It’s very quiet. In 2018, may friend told me that his neighbor saw the same creature near Thumb Butte in the forest. His kids saw it, and he didn’t believe them. They pointed this creature out, and he saw it, too. Same description. Horse-size and the other features.”

Source: The National Cryptid Society 



The Nevada Triangle

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