The Ultraterrestrials

If there were a car crash ten blocks away, a window washer up there on the tenth floor could probably see it. Now, that doesn't mean he's God, or even smarter than we are. But from where he's sitting, he can see a little further down the road. -John Keel the Mothman prophesies on paranormal entities.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Video of Alleged Bigfoot Exhibiting "Cloaking" Behavior That's why we can't find him!

Story by Diana Logan 

One of the prevailing theories about why we can’t find physical evidence of Bigfoot is that is capable of “cloaking” behavior. Aside from myriad Bigfoot sightings that feature strange sounds or rock-throwing without any visible sign of the beast, there have also been multiple reports of people coming across a creature or entity in the wilderness that seems strangely invisible. Hikers in California reported being stalked by a translucent, watery, Predator-like creature. Others claim the Sasquatch they observed vanished right before their eyes.

Does Bigfoot walk between worlds, as some Native legends about the creature claim? Can it disappear at will? This video seems to show one doing just that.

Watch Here:

In this video, someone has gotten a very clear image of what looks like one of those cloaked beings on a forest path. Viewers are amazed and suggest everything from otherworldly creatures to military personnel using heretofore unknown equipment that makes them invisible.

But others say that they’ve seen strange things in the woods exactly like this before.

“This is amazing and it is the first video I’ve ever seen that shows EXACTLY what I saw almost Fifty years on a hunt with my father.. GOOSE BUMPS…!” says one commenter.

Others say these kind of effect can be faked with green screen suits.

But this isn’t the first “invisible creature” that has been spotted in the woods in recent months, and we’ve written about the incidents before.


The Nevada Triangle

  Most of us have heard of the Bermuda Triangle , where planes and ships have mysteriously gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean for decades. D...