The Ultraterrestrials

If there were a car crash ten blocks away, a window washer up there on the tenth floor could probably see it. Now, that doesn't mean he's God, or even smarter than we are. But from where he's sitting, he can see a little further down the road. -John Keel the Mothman prophesies on paranormal entities.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Sequoia National Park Bigfoot activity


Just returned from Sequoia National Park in Tulare County California.

Interviews revealed the following.

1. A park ranger told me that activity is off of the charts especially at night. Screams, rumblings, and giant shadows reported by 2 rangers.

2. An employee of a local convenience store was driving thru the forest at night with her girlfriend when the headlights of her vehicle caught something that stood up and walked across the road. Far too large to be a bear. She reported that an unusual aspect that led her to her conclusions was the hair under the arms caught waving in the wind. She also stated that she her girlfriend refuses to drive down that road anymore after this incident.

3. Kings Canyon which runs alongside the park is overrun with sightings and vocalizations according to the construction workers.

 4. A camping group witness paraphrased, "Then I heard a series of footsteps coming down the hill toward the cabin. They were very heavy; I thought I could actually feel my bunk vibrate from their impact. And each stride seemed to be very long; in a moment the footsteps reached the cabin and paused briefly, then passed by the front door and crossed the length of the cabin approximately 16 feet in what seemed like two strides.


The Nevada Triangle

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