The Ultraterrestrials

If there were a car crash ten blocks away, a window washer up there on the tenth floor could probably see it. Now, that doesn't mean he's God, or even smarter than we are. But from where he's sitting, he can see a little further down the road. -John Keel the Mothman prophesies on paranormal entities.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Woman camping with husband sees Sasquatch dissapear

I recently received a report from a husband and wife camping out in the desert Southwest of South Mountain in Phoenix. As Cecilia K. and her husband John were getting ready to bed down for the night the woman made one final nature call, and under the full moon she had seen what she described as a giant ape covered with hair and extremely long arms. As she looked away for a split second to call her husband to see this thing it disappeared under the full moon lit desert. What struck her as odd was that there was nowhere for this thing to hide behind in the split second of time that she had taken her eyes off of it. She stated that it was as if it simply popped out of existence.


The Nevada Triangle

  Most of us have heard of the Bermuda Triangle , where planes and ships have mysteriously gone missing in the Atlantic Ocean for decades. D...